技術亮(liàng)點: l 具有8工位數控轉塔,主軸軸(zhóu)數可根據客戶(hù)要求配置。可裝(zhuāng)多達18個數控主軸單元,适用(yòng)性強。 This machine has good appliccability.Equipped with 8-station CNC rotary turret,the spindles could be configured max.18units according to customer ’ s requirements. l 主軸進給及分度盤旋轉(zhuǎn)采用全伺服控制。速度易調節。精度保持性高。 Servo control is used for spindle feeding and divided circle,easy regulation for speed ,and good retainability for precision. l 三方向主軸單元可(kě)同時進給,車削、銑削、镗、銑、鑽、攻絲(sī)等加工工藝,效率高(gāo)。 The spindle could feed to three directions efficiently for the processing of turning,milling,boring,driling,tapping etc. l 結(jié)構緊湊,占地面積小。 Compact structure and small floor space. l 可選配機械手,實現全自動加工(gōng)。 Robotic arm could be matched for automatic processing.